Image by silviarita from Pixabay

Be Your Own Best Friend Instead of Enemy

“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.” – Jack Komfield   Jenny’s Self-Awareness As you’ve read in my last posts, Jenny is a junior attorney in a large law firm in Western Tennessee. Recently she has discovered that she is her own worst enemy. She doesn’t seem to have a kind word…

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Why Am I So Insecure and Fearful

“Nothing Holds You Back More Than Your Own Insecurities.”  Connie Thinks Back Connie, an insecure woman in her late twenties, had left Cincinnati about a year before and moved to Knoxville, TN where she took a job in a little boutique on Market Square. She rented the upstairs apartment above the shop. When the boutique…