ADHD Adults and Organization

How To-Do Lists Help People With ADHD Make Decisions

It has been determined that ADHD is not a lack of or deficiency in attention. It is a problem with the ability to regulate attention and activity. Those with ADHD struggle with how and when to switch on and off their focus. Experts have said the executive function is like the train conductor of the…

Photo by Vera Arsic from Pexels

Do You Defensively React to Others in a Conversation

Defensiveness is reactive, similar to the defensive plays in football, where the defense reacts to the actions of the offense In relationships, defensiveness can be both a feeling and behavior. Typically, a defensive feeling is triggered by criticism, put-downs, shaming, intense sadness, or anger.  As a result of the feeling, you exhibit behaviors such as being…

Image by (Joenomias) Menno de Jong from Pixabay

How To Use Sleep To Improve Inattentive ADHD

Dennis and Gracie, a young married couple, had been best friends during high school but found themselves in uncharted territory when Dennis revealed that he had been diagnosed with Inattentive ADHD as a teenager. This information explained to Gracie why dealing with him was often very difficult. Sometimes, what he did and said seemed like…


How To Use Blame To Cover Up Shame

All of us, at one time or another, use blame as a defense mechanism to protect ourselves from having to take responsibility for our actions. Unfortunately, ADHDers seem to use blame more often than others because of their ADHD characteristics such as procrastination, forgetfulness, time blindness, impulsivity, and thinking they are always right. For example: A…

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay1

How Can Using Conflict Prove You Are Right?

Have you ever been around a person with ADHD who has to always be right and appear to use conflict to prove it? If you don’t agree with them or even have a slightly different opinion, conflict is on. They must prove they are right at all costs Have you ever been around a person…

ADHD Adult

3 Steps for Better Communications with ADHD

People, in general, think faster than they talk. For all of us, it’s hard to listen, especially if the speaker is slower in finishing his thought. The ADHD Adult Fast Brain runs even faster creating even more communication problems.  They often get sidetracked in their own thoughts or get very impatient with the speaker.  This…