Sour Grapes - Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Don’t Be Deceived

Your Future Can Be Told By The Words You Say Have you heard the term “sour grapes”? A person’s behavior, expression, or opinion can be termed “sour grapes” when the person is angry because they haven’t or aren’t getting what they want when they want it. Matilda had often been referred to as sour grapes…

Image by CharuTyagi from Pixabay

Words Change Your Brain for Better or Worse

 “Words are a reflection of our thoughts. Positive words come from positive thoughts, negative words from negative thoughts. It is really that simple.” Regulating Physical and Emotional Stress In the book, “Words Can Change Your Brain,” by Dr. Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist at Thomas Jefferson University, and Mark Robert Waldman, a communications expert, explain how…

Man Arrested

How To Get What You Want

The drive seemed to take forever. His hands were still handcuffed behind him. His shoulders hurt. He tried to say something, but the Plexiglas partition between the seats didn’t permit any communication. Absolutely no leg room! The seat itself was a hard plastic shelf. The officers didn’t buckle his seat belt so every time they…

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Change Your Life One Step At A Time

Are you self-motivated enough to be a success, to go where you really want to go, and to be the person you’ve always dreamed you could be? Are you motived to begin the change process? Yes? Then let’s get started Self-Awareness The first step in making changes in your life is to become aware of what…

Image by John Hain from Pixabay

Expand Your Self-Awareness for Change

From childhood, I kept my anger to myself.  My mother said she could always tell when I was angry or upset by the way I played the piano. I considered myself a person who rarely got angry. When I did get angry I kept it inside. Until, one day, my ex-husband, a psychology major in…