ADHD Adults and Organization

How To-Do Lists Help People With ADHD Make Decisions

It has been determined that ADHD is not a lack of or deficiency in attention. It is a problem with the ability to regulate attention and activity. Those with ADHD struggle with how and when to switch on and off their focus. Experts have said the executive function is like the train conductor of the…

Image by (Joenomias) Menno de Jong from Pixabay

How To Use Sleep To Improve Inattentive ADHD

Dennis and Gracie, a young married couple, had been best friends during high school but found themselves in uncharted territory when Dennis revealed that he had been diagnosed with Inattentive ADHD as a teenager. This information explained to Gracie why dealing with him was often very difficult. Sometimes, what he did and said seemed like…

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How To Manipulate A Conversation By Not Listening

Hearing vs. Listening Many people, men more than women, but women too, are not listening to what’s being said. They might be able to tell you the words that were said for a few seconds, maybe a couple of minutes, but they definitely couldn’t tell you the meaning. I know one woman who got tired…


How To Handle People with Explosive Emotions

Explosive Emotions are a very challenging aspect of ADHD. Doctors have found dysregulated emotions difficult to test and diagnose because they occur randomly. According to Attention Magazine, it has been determined that the memory loss that accompanies ADHD often enables stronger than normal emotional outbursts. The brain networks carrying and transferring emotional information are limited…

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

How to Control Emotions to avoid a Major Problem

Runaway emotions are one of the characteristics common in ADHD. Unfortunately, it is often overlooked in diagnosis because it does not present with hyperactivity. In children and adults, it is often misdiagnosed as a mood disorder, as in the following story.     Dennis and Gracie Dennis and Gracie, a young couple who had been married a…

ADHD Adult

3 Steps for Better Communications with ADHD

People, in general, think faster than they talk. For all of us, it’s hard to listen, especially if the speaker is slower in finishing his thought. The ADHD Adult Fast Brain runs even faster creating even more communication problems.  They often get sidetracked in their own thoughts or get very impatient with the speaker.  This…

Photo by Timur Weber on

How To Use Active Listening

Does it seem like the ADHD adults in your life use Active Listening to improve their relationship and communications or are they always on the phone or focused elswhere? It’s very difficult to have a meaningful conversation when you get silence in return. Active Listening Good communication is essential in every area of our lives….