Sour Grapes - Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

How To Destroy Your Future With Words and Thoughts

Did you know that your future can be foretold by the words you speak and thoughts you think? I can tell you don’t believe me. Read the story about Matilda then we’ll see what you think. By the way, have you heard the term “sour grapes”? A person’s behavior, expression, or opinion can be termed…

Image by tswedensky from Pixabay

How To Know If A Lie Is Really A Lie

Is not keeping your word a lie? Some say it doesn’t matter, but not keeping your word is generally considered lying. Basically, a lie is when someone makes a statement that not true. How is this different than breaking a promise? Breaking a promise is when someone who has created an expectation that they will…

Image by Gundula Vogel from Pixabay

Exchange Bad Habits For Good Ones

“Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.” Sigmund Freud   Developing Bad Habits Amy grew up in a very abusive home with five kids. All of the siblings were about a year or two apart. The parents were very overwhelmed with all the kids…