ADHD Adults and Organization

How To-Do Lists Help People With ADHD Make Decisions

It has been determined that ADHD is not a lack of or deficiency in attention. It is a problem with the ability to regulate attention and activity. Those with ADHD struggle with how and when to switch on and off their focus. Experts have said the executive function is like the train conductor of the…

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

5 Tips For How To Improve Your Listening Skills

Listening legend Dr. Ralph G. Nichols stated,“The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them.” Listening in Business Unfortunately, people in general do not listen effectively. Statistics show that the lack of listening skills is a major problem in…

ADHD Adult

3 Steps for Better Communications with ADHD

People, in general, think faster than they talk. For all of us, it’s hard to listen, especially if the speaker is slower in finishing his thought. The ADHD Adult Fast Brain runs even faster creating even more communication problems.  They often get sidetracked in their own thoughts or get very impatient with the speaker.  This…

Photo by Timur Weber on

How To Use Active Listening

Does it seem like the ADHD adults in your life use Active Listening to improve their relationship and communications or are they always on the phone or focused elswhere? It’s very difficult to have a meaningful conversation when you get silence in return. Active Listening Good communication is essential in every area of our lives….

Image by Mote Oo Education from Pixabay

6 Breakthrough Tips to Improve Toxic ADHD Communications

Conversations can go from a peaceful discussion to a hurtful argument in seconds when one partner has ADHD. ADHDers often find it difficult to keep their emotions in check and under control during intense interactions. Anger, resentment, and arguing are common when ADHD is present. Both the ADHDer and their partner must take steps to…


Rejection Sensitivity, Another Side Of ADHD, Is Intensely Painful

In my last post, “What does ADHD have to do with Anger,” Gracie thought she and Dennis had finally turned a corner in being able to communicate effectively until Rejection Sensitivity showed up. Dennis finally revealed that he had been diagnosed with ADHD. Even though they were neighbors and friends during childhood, Dennis had never…

Photo by Inzmam Khan from Pexels

They Keep Telling Me I’m Not Normal

The hardest thing about ADHD and other Personality Disorders is that it’s ‘invisible’ to outsiders. “I’m so tired of everyone telling me that I’m not normal just because I have ADHD. Who do they think they are? God.” Jeremy said. “I’ve been like this my whole life. Of course, it’s normal. It’s normal for me….

Image by PourquoiPas from Pixabay

Communicating With Some Is Difficult

I can hear some of you who are reading this post ask, everybody thinks differently, so what exactly do you mean? Correct, people don’t think or do anything exactly the same, unless, perhaps, identical twins. Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay People with personality disorders do think differently: BiPolar: Obsessive Thoughts, think in the extremes…

Image by Steve B from Pixabay

Overcome Excessive Impulsivity

Impulsivity in People With ADHD The person who displays impulsive tendencies is often reckless and impatient, not taking the necessary time to think through decisions. Some are painfully shy in social situations because they have been corrected, reprimanded and ridiculed when they did what felt normal and right to them. They often find it difficult…

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Staying Focused When You Have ADHD

  An article in HealthLine states people with ADHD are predominantly inattentive, meaning, they have difficulty focusing, finishing tasks, and following instructions. They are prone to distractions by anything that catches their attention. Inattentive ADHD often manifests as forgetfulness, apathy, or distractibility, and can be mistaken for anxiety or a mood disorder in adults. In…